Saturday, September 10, 2011

Top 10 Things I learned in Ecuador!

10.  It is easy to get out of breath at 9,000 feet above sea level.

9.    Someone is selling something somewhere all the time.

8.    Cows feed wherever there is grass growing - including in the middle of or the the side of the road.

7.    Never settle for the 1st price given for an item.

6.    The outside of the cocoa seed (where we get chocolate) is a gooey - white marsh-mellow substance that you can suck on, and it is a bitter/tangy flavor that is rather tasty.

5.    Memphis drivers are not as bad as I thought.

4.    Cuy (or roasted Guinea Pig) is not bad, but would be better with some Sonny's BBQ sauce.

3.    Contrary to poplar belief rosters do not just crow at sunrise, but rather at a half past midnight, 2:00 AM,3:00 AM, and whenever else they get the notion to wake you up.  [On a side note: I now understand why farmers have no problem ringing their necks.]

2.  People love babies where ever you go.

1.  God is moving not only the hearts and lives of the people of Ecuador, but also in the hearts and lives of many people back in the USA to evangelize and disciple Ecuadorian believers.  Ecuadorian pastors (especially indigenous pastors) lack a basic understanding of the Bible and biblical doctrine.The pastors are eager to learn and to be discipled, but how can they learn if no one goes to teach them, and how can they teach if they have not been taught?

The Lord used our recent trip to Ecuador to further solidify His leading in our lives.  Not only to go as missionaries to the people of Ecuador, but also affirming our primary role as disciple makers.  Jesus commanded us to "make disciples" (Matthew 28:19), and we believe God is reviving the hearts of many men and women to fulfill the Great Commission in that manner as evidenced by the number of missionaries being led to Ecuador at this time with the same general sense in their calling.