Monday, December 12, 2011

Prayer Needs
Pray as we make our final preparations to move to Ecuador.

Pray the Visa process goes smoothly & on time.

Pray our family van sells prior to us leaving.

Pray our focus is continuously on the Lord & His Kingdom & His righteousness.

Praise the Lord as we celebrate our 16th anniversary on December 2nd!

Brad & Kim
December 2, 1995
Praise the Lord as we celebrate Kim’s __ birthday on December 7th!

Brad & Kim December 2, 1995
at Shirley Hills Baptist Church
in Warner Robins GA

Thanksgiving is the time of year people reflect back on the previous year and give thanks to God for all He has done.  What a difference a year makes!  This time last year I was still working for the Memphis Police Department even though I had graduated from Mid-America earlier in the year.  Our dreams to become missionaries with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention had just come to an end.  Yet, we still felt the LORD had called us to serve Him as foreign missionaries and had begun following HIS lead searching and praying about how we might obey HIM.

We were led to join a missionary organization in Tupelo, MS named Global Outreach International, and in February of 2011 became a part of their missions’ family.  Within a month of then I had left the police department and we began raising support full-time. 

In the months since the Lord has taught Kim and I more about who HE is and how to depend on HIM more than any other time in our lives.  We are humbled as we see the Lord working in and through us, and give HIM all the glory for everything that has happened over the past year and acknowledge our continuous need for HIM in the coming year.

Recently I was talking with a good brother in Christ and he was telling me about a sermon he had listened to that used the words to describe believers as “Honored Failures.”  Since then I have thought a lot about this term, and contemplated its significance as a follower of Christ, and have two observations concerning being an “Honored Failure.” 

One, we are honored by God despite of our sins and our failures by having the righteousness of Christ applied to us through HIS blood.  Two, even as HIS followers we are fallen and incapable of righteousness apart from HIM and we should always seek to HONOR the name of Jesus with our voices, our time, and our lives.  Recognizing it is only in HIM we have anything to boast about, and could complete nothing apart from HIS grace and strength working in and through our lives.  

New News
We are finishing all the necessary paper work for our visa’s to Ecuador & should have them in about 4 weeks.  Once we have our visa’s we can purchase our plane tickets. Our hope is to still leave sometime in January.

We are currently a little over 93% of our monthly budgeted goals pledged.  Numerically this means we are only $350.00 shy of our $5,000.00 a month budget goal. This budget reflects both salary & ministry expenses.

We want to THANK EVERYONE who has prayed and/or given to us these past months, and to those who support us monthly.

We only need 14 new $25.00 a month commitments to be fully funded.  We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting us monthly. Let us know of your commitment by sending back the card included in the envelope, or write a note telling us of your commitment and send it to: 
Global Outreach International
P.O. Box 1, Tupelo, MS 38802
Account # 3377 (Brad & Kim Savage
Thank you for all of your prayers & financial support!  Have a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Plans (Part #4): Where ever He leads I'll follow....unless

A path in Ecuador leading down the mountain.
I have been involved in a SBC (Southern Baptist Church) since before I can remember and it was in a SBC that I received Jesus as Lord of my life.  Kim, although not raised in a Christian home, was led to the Lord by a member of a SBC and has been involved in a SBC since that time.  Naturally we thought we would go to the mission field with the IMB (International Mission Board) of the SBC, and we began the application process with the IMB in 2008 two years out from me graduating from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.

In May 2010 I graduated from Mid-America, and Kim & I had completed all the necessary paper work, background checks, and interviews with the IMB and were just waiting on a job match.  However, these were our plans, our way of accomplishing what God had called us to and not necessarily His path for our family.  In July of 2010 we found out that the IMB was unable to send us at that time, and we were told to check back in a year, but there was a problem with that idea.  Alayna, our oldest, had just turned 12 and in a year would be 13 and the IMB will not appoint a family who has a 13 year old child.

Kim & I were devastated and confused by the news.  What did this mean?  Had we missed our call?  Had we wasted all this time and effort in seminary for no reason?  What now?  Personally, I was resistant to the thought of going with another organization other than the IMB because I understood this meant having to raise our own support.  Besides didn't God know we were in the middle of a recession?  In my heart I was not willing to go under these circumstances, it did not fit into my plans.

However, after a time of seeking the Lord, God confirmed to us that HE was still calling us to serve Him cross-culturally, and HE would provided a way.  Humbled, I submitted to follow HIM down any path HE led us to go on.  I am thankful for my wife Kim who not only was willing to follow my lead as the Lord led me; but also, was much more confident in the Lord's provision from the beginning and a voice of encouragement throughout.

You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in your right hand there are pleasures forever. 

 - Psalm 16:11 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Plans (Part #3): The Lord Changes Our Marching Orders

With much joy and excitement we began our journey at Mid-America the Fall of 2006.  Our plan was simple, I (Brad) would get my Masters of Divinity and would get a commission in the military as a chaplain.  It made perfect sense because of my past military and para-military experience. However, that Fall in the second term of the school year I took a class called Introduction to Southern Baptist Missions with a former missionary Dr. Howard Bickers.  Little did I know how the Lord would use the class to direct our future steps in following His lead.

One day in class Dr. Bickers was telling a story from his days on the mission field in Africa.  This was not unusual because Dr. Bickers often used personal stories in order to teach us.  Yet, that day God used his story to challenge me and change our life's direction in following Him.  Dr. Bickers was telling a story of meeting with a local African Chief.  As he shared the story he told how the chief kept lowering himself, and showed us how he then lowered his head to keep it under the chiefs head because that was proper in their culture.  By the time Dr. bickers had finished telling the story he was lying prone on the ground before us and the chief in the story.  Why?   So he could gain the opportunity to share the love of Christ with the people!

At that moment I heard God's voice speak within me as clear as it ever had, HE said, "Are you willing to humble yourself before men so that My name is exalted?"  "Are you willing to go where I lead you to go?" I knew then that God was calling me and my family to serve Him on the foreign mission field.  After surrendering to His calling I changed my major to a Masters of Missiology and we began preparing for a life on the mission field.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.  (1 Peter 5:6-7)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Plans (Part #2): Walking in Memphis but not with the Lord.

Our plans were set, the u-haul packed, and we were ready to make the 550 mile move from Warner Robins, GA to Memphis, TN.  On August 16, 1999, Kim and I and baby Alayna began our journey as part of the Memphis Police Department/law-enforcement family.  A journey I believed would only be for a couple of years not only lasted almost 12 years, but also had a profound impact on our lives.
Brad was a Memphis Police Officer from August 1999 to March 2011
The plan was simple, I would work with the police department until I completed my undergraduate studies and then begin studying at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.  This should have been easily completed in no more than 3 to 4 years, but as we were learning our plans are often convoluted with life and we often change them.  In this time Kim and I had added Carolyn in 2001 and Kyle in 2003 to our family, and were no longer seeking the Lord's direction, but rather our own.

By 2004 we had 3 children, a house in the suburbs, 2 cars, a dog, and a yearly vacation to the beach.  On the surface it appeared we had the perfect little family living the "American Dream", but we lacked peace and joy.  Though we had chosen to forget our purpose for moving to Memphis in the first place God did not, and He did not allow us the peace and joy that comes from following Him.

After a few years of running from God's calling on our lives we surrendered to obey Him, and I began taking classes at Mid-America Theological Seminary in the Fall of 2006.  Though we were beginning an uncertain time in our lives we found peace in the Lord Jesus Christ as we followed Him.  "The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trust in You." - Isaiah 26:3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reaching & Teaching Mission Trip (October 1 -9)

The Christian cross resting on the pagan moon symbol.  A sign of syncretism in the culture between the Catholic influences on the culture and the traditional gods of the Canari Quichua Highland Indians.  Most houses in the area have some form of pagan symbol on them as an offering to the gods, in this case the moon god.  The Canari Indians traditionally worshiped the moon god but there are also symbols of sun worship because of the influence of the Inca Empire.

Our Reaching & Teaching International mission team in Sisid, Ecuador.  Sisid is a rural mountanous community primarily inhabited by the Canari Quichua Highland Indians.  It is located in the Canar Providence of Ecuador near El Tambo, and is over 10,000 feet above sea level.
A 500 year old Catholic Church (recently restored) located next to where we were staying.  In every community there is a Catholic Church, however, most of the churches do not have a priest and the people rarely attend mass.

Angel (an elder in the community) sounding a Quichua horn which is traditionally used to notify others in the village to come to their house and help, but during our week it was used to tell us it was time for a break.  Angel is wearing the traditional Canari Quichua dress for men.  Many of the Canari Quichua men and women still dress in their traditional clothing on a daily basis.

Brad teaching a group of indigenous pastors near El Tambo, Ecuador with Dr. David Sills translating.  In the class were a group of about 30 ideginous pastors/leaders who came from all over the area for training.  Most of the men in the group only make about $50 (US) dollars a month and work full-time outside of their churches, but gave up a weeks worth of work in order to come to the training to be better equipped to lead and reach their people. There is a great hunger among the pastors to learn more about the Word of God, as well as a great need for more missionaries to train them.

A little Quichua girl in tradition Quichua clothing.

Pastor Felix - left (a Quichua pastor/leader) and his family.  Pastor Felix was our host for the week and he has a tremendous love for the Lord and for reaching his community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Top 10 Things I learned in Ecuador!

10.  It is easy to get out of breath at 9,000 feet above sea level.

9.    Someone is selling something somewhere all the time.

8.    Cows feed wherever there is grass growing - including in the middle of or the the side of the road.

7.    Never settle for the 1st price given for an item.

6.    The outside of the cocoa seed (where we get chocolate) is a gooey - white marsh-mellow substance that you can suck on, and it is a bitter/tangy flavor that is rather tasty.

5.    Memphis drivers are not as bad as I thought.

4.    Cuy (or roasted Guinea Pig) is not bad, but would be better with some Sonny's BBQ sauce.

3.    Contrary to poplar belief rosters do not just crow at sunrise, but rather at a half past midnight, 2:00 AM,3:00 AM, and whenever else they get the notion to wake you up.  [On a side note: I now understand why farmers have no problem ringing their necks.]

2.  People love babies where ever you go.

1.  God is moving not only the hearts and lives of the people of Ecuador, but also in the hearts and lives of many people back in the USA to evangelize and disciple Ecuadorian believers.  Ecuadorian pastors (especially indigenous pastors) lack a basic understanding of the Bible and biblical doctrine.The pastors are eager to learn and to be discipled, but how can they learn if no one goes to teach them, and how can they teach if they have not been taught?

The Lord used our recent trip to Ecuador to further solidify His leading in our lives.  Not only to go as missionaries to the people of Ecuador, but also affirming our primary role as disciple makers.  Jesus commanded us to "make disciples" (Matthew 28:19), and we believe God is reviving the hearts of many men and women to fulfill the Great Commission in that manner as evidenced by the number of missionaries being led to Ecuador at this time with the same general sense in their calling.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Plans (Part #1): From Graceland to Alayna Glory & Back!

Alayna (now 13 years old - driving a golf cart)

The year was 1997, the plan was formed and in action. Kim and I were approaching our 2nd anniversary and had developed our plan to follow the Lord. Our plan was simple, work as an over-the-road truck driver for a year or two with Kim traveling with me and we would have saved enough money to go to a Bible College. Our plans were coming together nicely; I had been hired as an over-the-road truck driver by a trucking company in Memphis and traveled by a Greyhound Bus from Middle Georgia to Memphis for the one month training program the company required.

The training started and aside from Kim and I missing one another all was well, but change was in the air. Within the first week of the training I called Kim back home in Georgia, and she had life altering news. She had just found out she was pregnant with our first child. Suddenly our plans became irrelevant and impossible. Obviously Kim could not travel over the road while she was pregnant, and of course we could not take a newborn baby cross-county. Nor did I want to be on the road five days a week leaving my wife and baby at home alone. Our plans became obsolete and I flew back to Georgia to be with my wife.

There is nothing like that kind of news to knock you into the realm of a mature-responsible adult. I quickly found a full time job as a correction officer with the Georgia Department of Corrections and before we knew it Kim and I were parents of a beautiful baby girl named Alayna Glory Savage.

Despite the major change in our lives, the Lord Jesus still had a plan for us and did not forget He had called us to serve Him...even if we had. Over the next year and a half the Lord led us back to Memphis, TN this time as a family and with another plan in our efforts to follow the Lord's leading.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Savage Sightings # 3

Fellowship with friends in Jenkins, Kentucky

Greetings from the road less traveled or, in our case, the roads we have traveled. We had a great month of June as we traveled all around sharing the vision and passion the Lord Jesus has given us for the people of Ecuador. If you traveled I-40, I-75, I-20, Highway 78, or various winding mountain roads in June maybe you saw us in our family minivan. We have traveled to Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and back to Tennessee sharing with churches, Sunday schools, prayer groups, and individuals. God continues to show us favor as He has opened up other opportunities since being home, but these opportunities were closer to home. However, we have a van and will travel if you would like for us to share our missions’ calling and vision with you, your church, or Sunday school class.

Praise & Prayer
My cell phone ringer is set to a Chris Tomlin song, “How Can I Keep from Singing.” Every time my phone rings I am reminded of our great and awesome Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, and how amazing his love is for each of us. The chorus is:

"How can I keep from singing Your praise How can I ever say enough How amazing is Your love How can I keep from shouting Your name I know I am loved by the King And it makes my heart want to sing"

How can we keep from praising Him for the numerous opportunities over the last month to share our hearts with people? We praise Him for the loving and gracious responses we have had as well as the hospitality we have been shown as we traveled. We praise Him for providing a missions house for our family as we work to raise support for the ministry the Lord has given us! God is good and worthy of all of our praise!

Pray as we are traveling and speaking to churches and individuals. Pray that we remain focused on the calling given to our family by the Lord Jesus. Pray as we share with people that we faithfully proclaim Him, His faithfulness, His worth, His love, and give Him all the glory! Pray that the Lord continues to bless our ministry and His hand remains on our lives.

We are continually amazed and reminded of the awesomeness and might of our Lord Jesus and His faithfulness to His children. We are still working toward the goal of being able to leave in August for language school and have made significant progress toward that goal. We should know by our next newsletter whether or not we are able to leave in August or have to make the next semester in January 2012. Either way we trust in the Lord Jesus not only for His provision but also trust in His timing.

Monthly Financial Goal $6,000
Progress Toward Goal ($3,942) - 65.7%
Remaining Goal ($2,058) - 34.3%

Initial Goal $32,000
Total Goal ($23,500) - 73.5%
Progress ($8,500) - 26.5%

The Lord has also moved on the hearts of His people to join us in ministry on a monthly or regular basis in order to reach the people of Ecuador with the life-saving message of Jesus Christ. Thank You!

Please, seek the Lord about becoming part of our ministry team. We need additional prayer partners, monthly financial partners, as well as one-time gift partners in order to meet our goals. No gift is insignificant or small when it is faithfully given to the Lord for His Glory and His Kingdom!

Questions and Answers
Q: You are a member of the Southern Baptist Convention; why did you not go with the International Mission Board?
A: Our plans were to go with the IMB and had actually completed the entire process necessary for appointment with the IMB. However, the IMB informed us last July that because of budget cuts they did not have a job for us at the time, and to try back in one year. However, our oldest child, Alayna, turned 13 within the year and the IMB will not appoint anyone with a child who has reached their 13th birthday prior to being appointed to the IMB. Kim and I then sought the Lord about what He would have us to do and He confirmed His calling on our lives to missions and led us to Global Outreach International (

Q: What are some of the benefits of going with a “faith-based” missions agency?
A: In just a few months Kim and I have already seen many benefits of going with Global Outreach. It has strengthened our reliance on the Lord and our desire to seek Him. It has allowed us to see the Lord work and answer prayer in ways we have never seen before. It has allowed us to reconnect or meet for the first time many wonderful people who love the Lord Jesus. In addition, it allows people and churches to put faces to the missionaries they pray for and support financially.

Q: Why Ecuador?
A: The people of Ecuador are not only open to the gospel, but also eager to grow in the Lord. God’s Word says,
“And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
– Luke 10:2

The Lord is working in much of Latin America including Ecuador, and we want to join Him and faithfully proclaim Him and disciple the people of Ecuador into mature believers (Colossians 1:28).

Have a question? E-mail us the question at

In His Service,
The Savages

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Miracle of Gray!

Last Saturday our family celebrated Gray's first birthday. This birthday was special not only because it was his first, but also because Gray is a constant visible reminder of God's grace in our lives.

You see, the story does not start with Gray; rather, it starts years before Gray was even thought about. In fact had we continued down the path we were going Gray would have never been born. If you happen to glance upon our family of six you cannot help but notice a significant gap between Kyle (our next youngest) who turns 8 on Saturday and Gray. It is not uncommon for me and my wife to receive comments such as, "Oops” or “I guess he was a surprise,” but in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is shortly after Kyle was born Kim and I decided we had the perfect family. We had three kids (two girls and a boy), a house with a nice backyard not to mention a spirited little dog - we had the "American Dream." We had our plans and those plans did not include another child. So with the help of a doctor we took actions to prevent any interruptions into our plans and our way of life. Afterward on the surface life was good, but underneath we lacked joy. We were running from God's call on our life - living for this world rather than His kingdom.

After three years of running from obeying God call on our lives I started seminary. Though we thought we had arrived at the place God wanted us in surrender to Him and pursuing His kingdom we had only scratched the surface of His working on us. The next two years God broke us of many things and called us to serve Him cross-culturally, but even that was not the biggest shift in our world or worldview. No, the Lord was leading us into a major shift in priorities as well as worldviews.

By 2008 Kim and I knew without a doubt we had made a mistake. Though we were accustomed to making mistakes none were as life altering and significant as when we had decided to have the vasectomy. Troubled by our sin, we sought the Lord and He confirmed for us we should have the vasectomy reversed. Of course thoughts of pain, discomfort, and cost riddled my head at the idea, but the thought of not obeying seemed more painful and troubling. The decision led us to a surgeon in Oklahoma who performed them at an extremely reasonable rate because he viewed it as a ministry to families.

I had just turned 37 and there was almost six years between the two surgeries, all of which are considered hindering factors in the success of the surgery. However, in the spring of 2009 we traveled to Oklahoma and had the procedure done. By the grace of God Kim was pregnant in the fall that same year. Rarely does a couple have success that quickly after the surgery, praise the Lord! He is faithful!

What is the miracle of Gray? The miracle of Gray is God’s faithfulness! Through the process God has opened our eyes and refocused our lives, our pursuits, our desires, and our goals. Not only as a husband and wife or father and mother, but also as His children called to serve Him and trust Him. The miracle of Gray is coming out of the desert of disbelief into the journey of faith, trusting our Lord Jesus Christ, believing He is who He said He is and He will do what He has said He will do. The miracle of Gray is learning to understand Him more, love Him more, and pursue Him more. Caring less and less about the fleeting pleasures of this world, we want to "seek Him first and His righteousness," (Matthew 6:33a) trusting Him with our family knowing He, not us, will take care of our every need, “and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33b)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Savage Sightings #2

Completed May 16, 2011 (A Late Update)

Greetings from the land of the flooded! Thankfully we are doing fine and have not had any direct issues with flooding around our neighborhood. Since the last newsletter not only has the Mississippi River risen dramatically, but so has our excitement in what the Lord is doing in and through our lives!

Praise & Prayer

In a word, WOW! Kim and I are daily blessed by the encouragement and support we have received from fellow laborers for Christ. We would like to praise the Lord for all He has done for us in the past month and a half, and to thank everyone who has already partnered with us in prayer and financial support. We praise Him for the numerous opportunities the Lord Jesus provided for us to share with individuals, churches, and bible study groups. He is faithful!
Please, continue to pray for us! Pray that the Lord continues to open up opportunities for us to share our vision and passion with individuals, churches, bible studies, and businesses. Pray that we keep our eyes firmly placed on the Lord of Lords and King of Kings for our every need and recognize that everything truly does flow from His loving hands. Pray that the Lord raises up more partners for us and that people are following the Lord’s leading, whatever it is. Pray for our family as this is a time of transition for us as we prepare to leave the country and enter another culture.

Progress & Needs

In just a short period of time the Lord has brought us a long way toward meeting our goal to leave for language school in August 2011. We have two financial needs that must be met prior to leaving. The first is our monthly budget needs of $6,000.00 which goes to our ministry and personal budgeting needs, and our initial expense of $32,000.00 which includes 3 months budget of reserves ($18,000), air travel, extra baggage fees, language school, and initial living expenses. We are excited to report that 51.83% of our monthly budget needs are already pledged for and 8.75% of our initial cost is in our Global account. He is faithful!

What’s New?

We are in the process of trying to contact people in order to share with them in more depth the vision and passion the Lord has given us for the peoples of Ecuador, so that each person can be better equipped to consider partnering with us both in prayer and/or financial support. Feel free to contact us if you have not heard from us as of yet or if you have any questions. However, if the Lord has already led you to partner with us we have included in this newsletter a commitment card in order for you to communicate with us and the Global Outreach International’s home office your commitment to our ministry. Please fill it out and send it back to the Global Home office. This gives the home office and us the ability to track our progress toward our goal so that we are able to leave on time.

In addition, Kim has worked hard and began two other means of communicating with us, our Facebook page (GlobalOutreach Savage Ecuador) and our blog site ( Thank You very much for all of your prayers and encouragement.

Questions & Answers

Q: How do I go about giving to your ministry?
A: There are FOUR easy ways to join our team of financial partners:

1) By Mail: Global Outreach International P. O. Box 1 Tupelo, MS 38802 (with our name on the memo line of the check)

2) Online: Go to & press on the “Please give a donation” box. Then scroll down to our name (Savage, Brad & Kim) & click on donate via PAYPAL.

3) Electronic Fund Transfer: Go to & press on the “Please give a donation” box. Then scroll down to “By Electronic Fund Transfer” & click on Direct Payment Authorization Form. Print & mail completed form back to the Global Outreach International office (address listed above)

4) Reoccurring Monthly Gift, via Credit Card: Go to & press on the “Please give a donation” box. Then scroll down to “Reoccurring Monthly Gift, via Credit Card” & click on Monthly Credit Card Giving Form. Print & mail completed form back to the Global Outreach International office (address listed above)

Q: How much should I give?
A: You should only give the amount the Lord leads you to give. Kim and I know the Lord has led us to serve Him in Ecuador and we are confident that He has led and will lead people to partner with us financially.

Q: When do we start giving?
A: The lines are open now…ha.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our first newsletter: "Savage Sightings"

Cristo te ama! Jesus loves you! Greetings from Memphis! I would like to welcome everyone
to the first edition of the Savage Sightings newsletter. Kim and I are excited to share that God
has called us to serve Him as missionaries in Ecuador. It is with great joy and anticipation that
we follow His leading in our lives and by faith trust Him throughout the entire process.

We are partnering with a mission agency named Global Outreach International located in Tupelo, MS. Global Outreach (GO) was established in 1970 by two couples and now has over 200 missionaries in 40 countries. Global Outreach’s mission statement is: It is our desire to
establish strategic partnerships with local churches in the sending of “laborers into the harvest.” Evangelism, discipleship and compassion ministries are essential components of our effort to effectively reach the nations. Included with this newsletter is a brochure from Global Outreach International’s home office giving a more comprehensive look at Global Outreach. At Global Outreach we like to say we are “a great missions family.”

As six of the newest members of the Global family, Kim and I would like to briefly discuss the
vision God has given us. Initially our vision is to learn the language, search for and reach the lost,
start bible studies, and partner with like minded believers in Ecuador. One such partner is Dr. David Sills, founder and president of Reaching and Teaching International Ministries. Dr. Sills also serves as a board member for Global Outreach International, as well as a professor of Missions at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. As God works through us in these areas and people are reached for Christ, we see ourselves then planting churches, discipling converts, and training indigenous pastors.

There are about 15 million people in Ecuador, yet less than 8.5 % of the people are evangelical. The vast majorities of the people are nominal Catholics or mix Catholicism with other religions. Many of the indigenous pastors, however, are ill equipped to deal with these and other rising issues because they lack solid biblical training. Our heart’s desire is not only to see people won to
Christ, but also to disciple and teach the peoples of Ecuador to reach and teach their families, neighbors, and country. It has been said that evangelism adds people to His Kingdom, but discipleship multiplies people to His Kingdom!

In the coming weeks and months, Kim and I will be contacting both individuals and churches in
hopes to have the opportunity to share the passion and vision God has given us. At this time we will explain how you, your Sunday school, or your church can partner with us and become part of “a great missions family.” We commit to pray for you and keep you regularly updated concerning the ongoing missions work, as well as partnering with you in short-term missions endeavors in Ecuador. Thank You!