Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sharing some pictures :)

This is where we live. We  are on the top floor . A very kind widow lives underneath us.

We got a puppy for the kids. She is a french poodle and they named her "Daisy".

Alayna got a cat of her own. Her name is "Ginger".

The view out our kitchen window!

Doing "Nature Study" in the backyard.

These are just a few pictures that we had posted on Facebook but I know not everyone is "on" Facebook so I thought we'd post them here too. More to come as we settle in! :) ~kim

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sipping Water From A Fire Hose

We live on the 2nd floor.
Our first week of language school is complete and after a weekend break where we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior we have started our second week of language study.  Realizing our child-like state in this endeavor we are mentally exhausted, but press forward.

A fellow student appropiately described the first few weeks of Spanish learning: "It's like trying to sip water from a fire hose."  What an excellent description of how Kim and I both felt this past week.  Eager to learn we began soaking in the language one drop at a time while simultaneously drowning in the vastness of the Spanish vocabulary, gramatical rules, and exceptions coming our way.

 We Praise the Lord for the time and opportunity to concentrate on learning the language, and trust the Lord will use it in us for years to come!  Thank you for your prayers and support during this time of learning.    
Carolyn & Gray in the backyard