Thursday, March 8, 2012

We Come To Go!

It is hard to believe we have only four days left in Memphis before we leave for Ecuador. Excitement fills our hearts as we follow God into this next chapter of our lives, but as we reflect on the past five years our hearts grow sad thinking about leaving so many good friends. Yet, we know everyone who has come to study at Mid-Ameica has indeed Come To Go!

We Come to study, learn, and earn a degree.  We Come learning To Go "to all the world for Jesus sake" that HE might be known and that HE might have preeminence...(Colossians 1:18b).  We cherish our time here at Mid-America, but know that our time has moved from the Coming to the Going, and taking the mighty name of Jesus with us as we Go!

We Came full of pride and reliant on our own abilities. We Go humbled, broken, and reliant on HIS grace!  We Go knowing His grace is sufficient as we learn Spanish, adjust to a new culture, and are given opportunities to share HIS love with many in Ecuador!

Often people have asked: what are you going to do in Ecuador? At which point I generally respond with something like; focus on discipleship, train pastors, and plant churches.  All these are worthy goals for our ministry, but as I reflect on all the Lord has taught us this past year I think now if asked the same question I would simply reply, "yield daily and depend on GOD's grace as we Go."  Pray we do!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for yall!! We know that the Lord will be with yall, and will use your family to great things!!
