Friday, October 4, 2013


Global Outreach International

Since our last newsletter we have had numerous ministry opportunities.  Christopher Sills and myself (Brad) have had the chance to travel to numerous locations, some as far as four hours from where we live.  

On one such occasion we were invited by a local pastor to his church in the coastal region of Ecuador.  Once there we shared from the Scriptures about the ordinance of baptism with a young man who had recently accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.

For most in the Ecuadorian culture being baptized (other than from the Catholic Church) is asking for persecution. Why? In a nutshell it is because the Catholic Church teaches they are the only true church and only through much effort and staying in good graces with the Church can you possibly be saved. 

After speaking with this young man and his pastor for a while he said he wanted to follow Christ in baptism.  The pastor invited me to participate in the baptism.  It was a great joy, but admittedly I was unprepared.  We were more than four hours from home and I did not bring a change of clothes, a learning experience indeed.
Baptism of a new believer in a creek.

Also, Al Rodriguez (IMB), Christopher, and myself recently visited a very rural community well up in the mountains.  We were able to share God’s Word with them and have scheduled a time to start a bible study with a small group.  There is only one couple in the community who are followers of Christ.
Kim also has recently started going with Al Rodriguez and his wife to a local women’s prison in Cuenca.  At the prison they are able to study God’s Word with some of the incarcerated women.  
In just a few short weeks a group of about 15 people are coming with RTIM (Reaching & Teaching International Ministries.)  They are here from October 5th – October 13th, and some of the activities they will be involved in during the week will include: pastoral training and medical missions.  Please pray for this time of ministry and evangelism.

Our current vehicle has been in and out of the shop for a few months now, and seems to develop a new problem once we fix the previous issue.  It is unreliable to travel far, and we need to travel a lot and when we travel it is often on ruff terrain.
One recurring problem is when I go to stop the engine cuts off, shutting off the power steering and brakes.  Of-course this has made us a bit nervous especially in a country that has “round abouts” everywhere.  Thankfully, this has not caused an accident and no one has been hurt.  This is particularly true because if you are in an accident and someone is hurt (no matter whose at fault) you go to jail.
Thank you for your prayers and special gifts toward us purchasing a newer, more reliable vehicle.  God has really blessed in this and we are currently at 17% ($4,246.50) of our goal of $25,000.  We asked that you would continue to pray for us regarding this need, and we know God will provide in His timing.  Thanks!

Pastors Felix & Juanito praying before baptism.

Pray:  God continues to move among the people as His name is proclaimed.

Pray:  Our current vehicle last a bit longer.

Pray:  For us a newer more reliable vehicle.

Pray:  We continue to put meat on the bones of our Spanish.

Praise:  We have now made it through a few doctors visits and/or procedures, and are doing fine.  We were a bit nervous going to the doctor in another country for the first time.

Praise:  We are less than a month away from visiting the states, and have everything in order.

(Mail Donations to)
Brad & Kim Savage
P.O. Box 1
Tupelo, MS
Regular Account # 3377  Vehicle Account # 3698

Brad & Kim Savage
(901) 405-4747

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad, Kim, and family! It looks like you have not had a chance to post for a while. I hope you are doing well. I have your prayer card on my mirror and pray for you regularly. I'll try to write you an email as well.
